Thanks for checking out Haysville Christian Church.
Common Questions
Worship Times
Sunday School - 9am
Sunday Worship Service - 10am
Wednesday Night
Dinner - 6pm
Worship - 6:30pm
Children, Youth, and Grow Groups
- A warm welcome, no matter who you are
- Casual Atmosphere
- Dynamic Christ Centered Worship
- Relevant, Thought-provoking messages based on the Bible.
- Fun teaching for your kids & Teens
For you
- A place to belong. At HCC you will find people you can laugh, grow, and serve with. We have groups for men, women, couples, college students, hobbyists, athletes, new believers, and more!
- A chance to make a difference: God can use your gifts and skills to change lives by serving at HCC. You can also make a difference through our outreach ministries and missions around the globe.
- A way to grow: Resource to help individuals and families become fully devoted follows of Christ.
The Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.
There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The deity of Jesus Christ, the virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, atoning death on the cross, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, and His personal return once again in power and glory.
Salvation cannot be gained by human effort, but only through the grace of God in the redemption He provided through Jesus Christ.
Repentant believers should be baptized in water, by immersion, in obedience to Christ for the forgiveness of their sins so they may receive the Holy Spirit.
The present ministry of the Holy Spirit is to indwell and empower Christians to live a godly life and impact their world.
All believers are spiritually united in the Lord Jesus Christ and should cooperate in all possible ways to share His love with one another and the world.
Feel free to contact us any time with questions about HCC’s theology and doctrine.
1 John 4:8 "God is Love."
God is a lover... This is who He is and this is what He does. There has never been a time when God did not or has not loved. He loves at all time and in all places. His love is real, true, faithful, passionate, and eternal to all and in all places. This is who He was before the world began and this is who He will be into all of eternity. God is a lover. He loves you. Everything He says, everything He has done, is doing, and is yet to do is done out of love.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
At Haysville Christian Church:
- We are seeking to grow in our understanding of God's Great Love for Us. It is the purpose of our congregation to Know God's love in Jesus Christ and to make His Love Known as we Gather for Worship. Grow in His Word, and Go in His love. "We love because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19) As we grow in knowledge of His Love for us, we also seek to grow in the sharing of His love with one another. At Haysville Christian Church, "We're All About Love." We invite you to join us on this. "journey of the heart."
The purpose of HCC is to Know God’s Love in Jesus Christ and to make His love known as We Gather for Worship, Grow in His Word, and Go in His Love.
To establish a community of believers and a network of expanding ministries that will impact our community and world by calling all people to Passion for Jesus and ComPassion for others.
Strategy: The Three G’s of HCC
We desire that all members of HCC be a part of the following:
- Gather – a commitment to corporate and individual Worship
- Grow – a commitment to be part of a weekly transformational Bible Study / Prayer Group
- Go – a commitment to share Christ’s love through Ministry
Simply put: We love families. We work hard to provide fun, safe, and excellent programming where kids can learn about God.
Children’s ministry is for infants through 5th grade and takes place during the 9:ooam Sunday School and 10am services on Sunday. HCC youth ministry for 6th-12th grade happens on Sunday mornings at 9 am and Wednesday Evening at 7pm.
We know: Churches can be intimidating, and it’s normal to feel lost-in-the-shuffle when you don’t know anyone. That’s why we provide and encourage as many people as possible to join grow groups and serving teams.
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