Leaders & Meeting Locations
Russ Kessler
(Men's Small Group)
Sundays 6pm at HCC
Mary Alice Donaldson
(Ladies Prayer Group)
Mondays 1pm at HCC
Will & Constance Black
(At the home of the Blacks)
Tuesdays 7pm at 210 Ballard
Russ Kessler
Wednesdays 7pm at HCC
Chris Novak
Wednesdays 7pm at HCC
Gather + Grow = Go
The Purpose of HCC is to KNOW God's love in Jesus Christ and to make His love KNOWN as we GATHER for Worship, GROW in His Word, and GO in His love.
15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Jesus desires that we GROW UP in HIM in all areas of our lives. At HCC, we take seriously Christ's command to, "Make Disciples." Over fifty time in the New Testament the phrase "one another" is just to describe our relationship to other believers. The Scripture instructs us to love on another, support one another, encourage one another, pray for one another, accept one another, bear one another's burdens and build up one another. God never meant for any of us to go at it alone. We need One Another.
Jesus could preach to multitudes, but HE could only disciple twelve.
HCC GROW GROUPS are a great way to connect with other Followers of Jesus and begin the process of intentional GROWTH. The groups provide a family atmosphere where we build our relationships with one another and with Jesus.
AT HCC we commit ourselves to each other's success!
"11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
Contact the Church Office for More Details:
Man Up
The Man-Up Men’s Ministry is dedicated to teaching men how to be strong Men of God, good husbands, and fathers. It is also dedicated to influencing, guiding and mentoring young men in the ways of God. The Man-Up Men’s Ministry is solidly based on the teaching of Jesus Christ.
Our focus is strengthening men for the expansion of God's Kingdom and we do this by meeting for bible studies where we teach men directly from the Word of God.
We have activities like; Saturday Morning Bible Studies, skeet & clay shoots, axe throwing, sporting events, cars, guns, camping, fishing, hunting and, of course, eating.
We eat very well!
For more information, please contact Russ Kessler (316) 644-4938, or call the church office.
Bible Memory Group
Each year the at HCC focusing on a specific book of the Bible and selected passages to memorize. The group meets once a month to review and encourage one another in the Word of God. Past memory projects have included: The Gospel of John, Romans, and the Sermon on the Mount. Bible memorization is one of the most rewarding disciplines you can have as a follower of Jesus. Change your words, change your life.
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