Chapter 29
The Voice of an Angel
If you saw her backstage you never would have imagined what fame was soon to come her way. She walked out on the stage in a frumpy dress, messy hair and bushy eyebrows. But the moment she began to sing on, Britain’s Got Talent, she took the world by storm. By the final note she was receiving a standing ovation from the crowd and a broad smile from Simon Cowell. It was as if they had all just heard the voice of an angel. The video of her performance immediately hit YouTube and within a week had been viewed 66 million times. She eventually won second place in the competition but that did not stop her. An album was released in November of 2009 and by the end of the year she had the top selling record world wide of any releases, selling a total of 8.3 million copies.
You probably would never have picked him either. One first century writing describes him this way: “Bald-headed, bowlegged, strongly built, a man small in size, with meeting eyebrows, and a rather large nose.”
Appearances aside, he had been spending his days with a singular purpose: persecuting Christians. He took them from their houses, threw them in prison and even had some killed. Saul was on his way to Damascus to “hunt” Christians when he encountered Jesus and was “blinded by the light.” By the end of the encounter Saul’s name is changed to Paul and he is given a new purpose and passion in life. Paul, a Jew, took the gospel message to the Gentiles. Paul, the “chief of sinners” spoke as a gracious firsthand recipient of God’s mercy. Paul, the well-schooled expert on the Law, became the most outspoken voice for the principle of grace — and aren’t you glad he did? Most of us would not know Christ had Paul not traveled the world telling others about Him. It is also true that most of us would not know Christ if some modern-day “Paul” had not shared the love and life of Jesus with us.
By worldly standards Susan Boyle didn’t look like much. But her voice and the message of her song inspired millions. Apparently, the Apostle Paul was known for his humble appearance as well. But when he preached the Gospel it was like the voice of an angel.
Angel, the word means “messenger.” God wants to use you to take His message to your world, your street, your workplace, your school, your family, and your friends. The most BEAUTIFUL thing about you is not your appearance; it is the words from your mouth. Use your words this week to share God’s love and life as the “voice of an angel.”
In His love,
Pastor Kurt