If you think Genesis is just a band from the ‘80’s . . .
If you think it was Dr. Dolittle who took two of each animal into a big boat . . .
If you think an epistle is a woman married to an apostle . . . . . .
You may need to know more of The Story. You may be a bit intimidated by the Bible. You’re not alone; many people are. And no wonder, its pages mention odd names like Jehoshaphat and Nebuchadnezzar. It contains accounts from places you probably never heard of, like Sinai and Samaria. And it seems to be made up of a lot of different, seemingly unrelated stories. But it really is one big, exciting story. You can see it easily if you open your Bible to the beginning and then flip all the way to the end. The first words found in Genesis 1:1 read: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Then, if you turn all the way to the back of the book, Revelation 21:1, you find, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away . . .” In the beginning God is creating the heavens and the earth. At the end He is creating a new heaven and a new earth. So the big question is this: “What on earth happened between the beginning and the end of the Bible?” Be sure to join us THIS SUNDAY as we take our first step into The Story.
In His love,
Pastor Kurt