In his book, Born to Run, Christopher McDougall describes a hidden tribe of super athletes known as the Tarahumara. They make their home in the Copper Canyons of Mexico’s Sierra Madre. They can run for days at a time up and down canyon trails. Running for the Tarahumara is not a sport, it is not exercise, but a way of life. Running is who they are and it is what they do. They have survived all these years by literally outrunning every threat and enemy. They are a peaceful people. They know nothing of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. In Tarahumara Land, there is no crime, war, or theft. There is no corruption, drug addiction, greed, depression, or wife beating.
America can learn a few lessons from the Tarahumara.
What IF we began every day with a run together?
One of the things I found interesting about the Tarahumara was their belief in the afterlife. They believe they must collect or erase every trace of their existence before they journey to heaven. Every hair must be accounted for. Tao Te Ching — The best runner leaves no tracks.
Interesting — at the end of your run, what will be the evidence of your existence?
This is the day that the Lord has made;
I will…………..
Running with Him,
Pastor Kurt