Three times in the first chapter of Joshua we find the exhortation, “be strong and courageous.”
Perhaps you have been wandering in the wilderness. Living in fear of the giants and Jericho.
You are caught in a rut, stalled out, and running on empty. You have experience little of the
victory or the abundant life that Jesus offers. You struggle with the realization that you are
not what God longs for you to be. You continue to fight FOR victory instead of FROM victory.
You need a new beginning. You need to dust yourself off and get back up and hear the Holy
Spirit whisper, “be strong and courageous.” Now you find yourself at a “crossing point.” Will
you trust God to bring you into what He has already promised? He will do it, He has already
done it! You just need to be strong and courageous and learn to trust His promises.
Join me this Sunday for a new study on the book of Joshua. Together we will learn to overcome
the barriers that keep us captive. Imagine the possibilities of a congregation living in the full
expression of God’s grace and power. Living LIMITLESS!